Riki's Little Spot on the Web

My Pets

August 26, 2003-

?-April 1, 2005


**My Trivia Page**

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I've bowed down to the craze.. and created a trivia tournament.. *L* I've had fun with these so far.. so I figured I'd add one to my blog.. Mine is History and Geography, as opposed to Cali's Music and Frankie's Movie trivia.. anyway.. hope you like it.. if you don't.. well.. let me know and I"ll change it... *G*

Saturday, April 22, 2006

saturday afternoon ramblings

So, it's April 22... a little more than a week left in my crappy apartment... Bro was by the other day... Kitchen is still not painted... no biggie, I guess.. I can live with crap orange in my kitchen.. if I can't, heck, I can paint it.. but the floor.. that has to be done... it needs fixing... and I can't do that.. don't know how.. *L*
I don't like that Bro was able to get in no problem either.. the door was wide open... that's a good way to get squatters.. also, I'm getting a delivery of my medical supplies before the end of the month.. I wanted to deliver them to the new apartment.. but.. I'm not gonna do it if the door isn't locked... I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should have looked around a bit more before taking this place... I admit.. I fell in love a little quick... but it's a cute place... and I can have a kitty... if I had come across it before Red died.. I would have taken it then too... oh well.. pros and cons with every location.... am still excited about it... can't wait to move in...
My vacation was approved the other day... I'm gonna be off work for my birthday!!! I've got from May 26th to June 1st off... gonna be great.. and gonna go by way too fast I'm sure.. oh well... that's the way things go, don't they... I'm really looking forward to it.. I can definately use the break.... would be even better if I happened to get a kidney in the meantime.. *G* I got my last one on Victoria day...... so.. you never know, right??
Bro wrote his GED's last week... he's waiting for his results, but he thinks he failed math.. not sure if that means he has to go back next year and try again or not.. anyone know?? it'd be nice if he got his Gr. 12.... it would take him a lot farther, that's for sure...
Warm weather appears to be arriving... almost time for me to put my shoes away and break out the sandals.. I hate wearing shoes.. way too constrictive... socks too... Bring on the sun!!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Countdown to the New Apartment

Time's a tickin' down... only a few weeks now till the big move.. mind you, it's only around the corner.. but the difference in the two locations... from the basement of a crappy, no character building, that has way too much baggage (read some of my earlier posts)... to the ground floor of a huge friggin house... it's only a 1 bedroom apartment.. but it takes up about half of the ground floor... there's a yard that leads out to the street.. and there's a huge verandah, which I'm looking forward to sitting out on during the summer... I was thinking of getting one of those wicker rocking chairs and sitting it out to look at the street... can sit there in the evening with my tea and rock.. watch people walking by.. look like a weirdo.. but at least I'll be a happy weirdo.... I was also thinking.. since I'm gonna have that nice verandah with the yard... there's a flower box there.. maybe I should plant some flowers... make the place look pretty... I'm already thinking about some wind chimes.. maybe some hanging plants.. although, I think Bro might not like the wind chime idea... neighbors across the road from Mom and Dad's have wind chimes.. they're up all year long.. and you hear them all year long.. *L* never bothered me, I don't think Bro liked them... well.. sucks to be him, I guess.. since I'm paying the rent.. I'm putting up the wind chimes.. *L*
Had another idea too... Bro and his friends try to have a poker game about once a month... I figure.. through the summer, they could have their poker games on the verandah... out in the open air... no smoke in my apartment... *L* just gotta tell his one friend who can't hold his liquor too well.. if he's gonna puke over the railing, he's expected to clean it up...
it's gonna be so sweet.. it'll be like living in my own little house... it's for sale.. I've already decided that if I win the lottery, I'm buying the house... and I'll slowly renovate it back to it's former glory.. take out the apartments and make it back into a grand house... it's a dream... I have many dreams.. *L*

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

a couple of things...

Well... I did it.. by accident, mind you.... I met my friend's new woman today.. I went for a walk.. and on my way back, they were standing in front of his mom's front door... so, he called me over.. reluctantly, I went over... and spoke to them both.... and you know.. she's not so bad... in fact.. I can see us being friends... much more so than his last girlfriend... but she always made me uncomforable.. I'm not quite sure what it was that did it.. but I think it was her age.... she has a daughter that is the same age as bro's exgirlfriend... but this one, I like... we have the same twisted sense of humour.. and we kinda ganged up on him a bit... *G* it was fun....
On another note.. bro pointed something out to me today.. and I kinda felt bad because I forgot about it... Saturday was April 1st.. April fools day to most... but a very sad day for me... and I don't know why I didn't remember... if you scroll up a bit.. the red and white kitty.. my baby.. died on April 1st 2005... Red's been gone a year... I miss him.... a lot...
Me and bro settled on a new apartment today too... very cool place... we were going to trade apartments with the lady across the hall.. but after viewing this place, we decided against that.. it's a 1 bedroom apartment.. but it feels so much bigger than that... it's on the ground floor of an old house.. actually takes up about half the ground floor.. hardwood floors... a fireplace, non functional, but that's ok... big, old fashioned windows in the livingroom... and a veranda that we share with the people above us.... it's absolutely awesome.. I could stay there forever...
One last note... the internet scavenger hunt is called off due to lack of interest... guess nobody wanted to play.. oh well.. I'll save the idea.. maybe in a few months time.. in the fall perhaps, I'll toy with the idea again...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Love Sucks

I've got a bit of a dilemma on my hands... my friend has a new girl that he's seeing... and since we're such good friends he wants me to meet her... I don't want to meet her.. I really don't want to meet her... I absolutely don't want to meet her.... but... I don't want to look like a jealous nut case to him either... I just don't know if I can be really nice to her.. I did it with his last girlfriend... but it wasn't that I was jealous of her, really.. I just didn't like her... I tried really hard to like her, because she appeared to make him happy... I was happy when he finally gave her the boot... I didn't expect him to find someone else so quickly... as much as I want him to be happy.. I'm scared she'll pick up on my contempt for the situation, and think it's for her... when, really, I don't feel anything for her at all... I can't.. I don't even know her... is there a nice way to tell him that I don't really want to meet her, at least, not yet.. without sounding jealous?? I just need some time to get used to the idea that he's not gonna show up some day wanting me... after that, meeting his new woman won't be so bad...