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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hell froze over, I'm sure of it

My lil bro just came in here, handed me 40 bucks and a large coffee.. I wonder what he wants.. *L* usually, he wants money.. so not sure what the deal is... he's buttering me up for something... I wonder what it is..
I got some stuff in the mail today.. made me happy... I got Zanypoo's book, which I told her I was going to buy and read.. and I mean it.. I bought it, I have it, and I'm going to read it... she's been a great encouragement to me, so it's the least I can do.. Oh, and Zanypoo, if you read this, I'm working on another fanfic, a horror tale.. just like you wanted.. *LOL*
I got the Decemberists cd finally too.. I tried finding it in town.. but everywhere I went, they were sold out.. go figure... I didn't think they'd be that popular around here... I ordered it when I ordered Zane's book..
So.. much happier post than I've had lately.. so you all can stop worrying about me.. *G*


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