Riki's Little Spot on the Web

My Pets

August 26, 2003-

?-April 1, 2005


**My Trivia Page**

Sunday, June 26, 2005

hot enough for ya??

Hello from Halifax.. yes, I finally had that surgery... only 3 months late, but that's ok... is it hot enough for ya?? Currently 25.5 degrees Celcius here... not that I'm complaining.. I've been waiting all winter for this kind of weather... I'd just rather be at home in Charlottetown when it comes up... the 9th floor of the VG is hot with no ac... but you deal... there isn't much else you can do.. I just keep running down to the air condition lobby to cool down...
Anyway, not much of an update... just wanted to let you all know I was still alive....

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The tale of the bent mailbox key

Hey All... I think I'll start with a bit of an update to my last post.. my best friend, who I appear to have lost, has been found... apparently he went back to Nova Scotia and neglected to tell me that he was leaving... oh well.. it's not the first time he's done it... probably won't be the last either... I just wish he'd realize the crap he puts me through when he does that... I mean, I already lost one friend after she went missing... I don't really want to do it again... the nightmares brought on by the worry aren't all that fun either...
Ok.. onward and upward, I guess...
A question for you all.. Say you move into a new apartment... it's a nice apartment, good location, nice neighbors... and you generally like the place.. however, when the landlord gave you the keys, you noticed that the mailbox key is a little bent.. you don't think anything of it until you try to get your mail.. you leave it for a bit because it's not that big of a deal.. you didn't put in a whole lot of change of address forms yet anyway... when the landlord comes to retrieve the rent, you mention the key.. you show it to them, and they look back at you and ask how you bent it... trying not to get too agitated, you ignore the question, and ask what can be done... they say that they'll look and see if they have another key, but if not, you have to pay for a new lock on the mailbox.. they take the key and are gone... a month later, you still haven't got a key for the mailbox... and by now, the months bills are probably sitting in there and you can't get to them.. is there anything that a person can do to rectify the situation without going head to head with the landlord??
Two more days till Halifax... I'll ask again for you guys to keep your fingers crossed that my surgery doesn't get cancelled again....

Monday, June 20, 2005

Are you sure it's summer?? Among other things..

Well, they say that summer is here.... I believe the first official day of summer is June 21st, so I guess we're close enough... and of course, whether it's summer or not, I've still got my sweater on.. and the only reason I'm not wearing my winter jacket too is because I'd just look like an ass... I wonder sometimes if there will ever be a day where I pray for winter, like my mom does... she's going through the change.. *L* Somehow, I doubt I ever will..
So, I'm off to Halifax again this week... for the same surgery I was supposed to have back in March.. I'm hoping that it doesn't get cancelled again, because I don't think my employers like me taking two weeks off every couple of months.. oh well, there isn't much I can do about that..
You know, I think I slept most of this week, and when I wasn't sleeping I was working, which kinda sucks.. but I'm guessing that the paycheck will be nice... and I know I'm never going to work a week like this again... what I did was, since I knew I was going to be off for two weeks without a pay, I thought it might be a good idea to get a couple of extra shifts in... bad idea.... now I remember why I only wanted four shifts a week.. I was exausted... I had to pull myself out of bed in order to go to work... Bro woke me up long enough this afternoon to sign a father's day card for dad and then I went back to sleep.. I think I probably missed out on a good meal at mom's house today too.. oh well..
I got some news on Chrystal's case this week, too, which I'm not at liberty to divulge... I'll just say that I'm hoping that this is the beginning of the end, and soon they'll be announcing that they've arrested her killer... of course, I've been hoping that for three years now..
Another bit of news.. my best friend is supposed to have moved over from Nova Scotia... I do know that he was here, but I seem to have lost him.. i haven't seen him in over a week.. I'm not sure if he's hiding, or if he just gave up and went back over there.. I was really looking forward to him moving over, because then I'd have someone that I could talk to, without worrying about what I'll be thought of.. everyone should have one friend that you can talk to like that..
Anyway, that's all the news from here...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A bunch of things

I borrowed this from Missy's Blog...

3 names I go by:
- Erica
- Riki
- Child (bro calls me this)

3 screen names I've had:
- Rikimae
- RiceCbue's Girl
- SpaceCadet

3 physical things I like about myself:
- my hands
- the colour of my eyes
- my hair

3 parts of my heritage:
- Polish
- Micmac
- Scottish

3 things I am wearing right now:
- Green Sweater
- Jeans
- Black Shoes

3 favourite bands/musical artists I like a lot (currently):
- George Canyon
- Pet Shop Boys
- George Michael

3 songs I really like
- Crazy Frog remix
- George Canyon - My Name
- Statler Bros - I'll Go To My Grave Loving You

3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me:
- eyes
- smile
- hands

3 favourite hobbies:
- sitting in front of the computer
- watching tv
- people watching

3 things I want to do badly right now:
- go home (I'm at work)
- start a home based business
- win the lottery

3 things that scare me:
- wind
- bugs (especially if they're crawling around on the floor in my room)
- heights

3 of my everyday essentials:
- coffee
- coffee
- coffee

3 careers you have considered or are considering:
- Teacher
- Accountant
- Pediatric Dialysis Nurse

3 places you want to go on vacation:
- New Orleans
- Cuba
- France

3 kids' names you like:
- Amy
- Bridget
- Jordan

3 things you want to do before you die:
- Start a family
- buy a house
- Travel across the country by train

3 ways I am stereotypically a boy:
- I'm a computer geek
- I hate wearing dresses and makeup
- Big racing freak

3 ways I am stereotypically a girl:
- I have and like to have long fingernails
- I like to play with hair (my own or a friend's)
- I love cats (I know, not necessarily a girl thing, but not necessarily a boy thing either)

Monday, June 06, 2005

Please put on your hipwaders before treading through the self pity...she's mighty deep

Oh man... have you ever felt like you were locked in a box or tied up and you couldn't get away?? Well, my life is beginning to feel like that.. I've got dialysis, which is done every day, no exceptions... I've got a nurse, who finally decided that she doesn't have to come in every 2 days anymore.. just Monday and Friday... and I've got a love-hate relationship with my job.... I love the job because of the people I talk to and work with, and I like the paychecks... but I hate it because I have no real free time to myself..
It's like I'm sitting still... my life isn't moving forward... there's so much I'd like to do, but can't, because of money mostly... I want to travel, go back to school... maybe even start a home business, so I can set my own schedules... but I have a feeling that I'll be doing the same crap I am now until my eyesight finally fails me and I have to live off some government check..
I think it's time to give up on my guy too... it seems obvious to me that no matter how much he loves me, he just doesn't have the same feelings for me that I do him... which kinda sucks, but it's par for the course, I guess... when ever I lay my feelings on the line, they always get thrown back at me.. perhaps I should give up.. and become Charlottetown's newest cat lady.. can't do it till I move out of the apartment I'm in now, though.... we've got a no pet policy...
I know that this is a big of a downer post, but when you get older, and start to realize that you met none of your goals in life..how else are you supposed to feel??
Now that I've spoiled your mood, I'll stop for the night....

Friday, June 03, 2005

Update.. I know, it's about time

It's a lovely June morning.. I've been seeing a lot more of these mornings lately, not really sure why.. oh well... I figured that since I'm awake and out of bed, I should do something productive.. I'm not sure if posting on a blog is productive, but hey.. it's something... *L*
I put a new song up today.. I hope you like it... I hope you can hear it.. I"m not sure if it's working or not... perhaps you can let me know.. I downloaded it after seeing a news story on it.. and I absolutely love it!!
Ok.. what new with me you ask?? Well, my best friend have moved back here from Nova Scotia... which is cool... even though he gets on my family's nerves... it'll be good to have someone around that I can talk to about anything without being judged... I love my other friends, but with most of them, you have to be careful about what and who you talk about, or else you'll be lectured... he doesn't do that to me...
I think in a bit I'm gonna go collect that friend of mine, and go and visit my nephews.. yep, I got 2 now.. Kenny, who's almost 2 now.. and Keith, who is about a month old.. of course, neither of them are biologically related to me, but I've always considered their mother a sister, and both boys were kind of adopted by my brother.. they'll grow up calling him dad... I'll post some pictures when I get some...
Anyhow, that's about all the news here.. later..