Riki's Little Spot on the Web

My Pets

August 26, 2003-

?-April 1, 2005


**My Trivia Page**

Friday, April 15, 2005

my first (and probably last) American Idol critique

Well, it's been a while since I posted, so I figured I'd better soon.. Nick will get ticked with me if I don't keep things up to date... *L*
Let me see, now.. what's been going on? Not too much, actually... I'm working a lot, trying to get part time for the summer at least.. not sure if I'm going to get it or not... trying my best to keep up to date with The Amazing Race.... I missed it last week.. was talking on the phone with somebody quite special... *G* so I didn't mind missing it too much... more on him in another post... someday... maybe... maybe I want to keep him under wraps... *G*
Canadian Idol was in town recently... I've been told that I know a few people who got their golden tickets to go on to Moncton.. which is cool.... hope they can also go further, and actually compete in the finals.. I guess I have to pay more attention to it this year.. get my mom to tape it for me like she does The Amazing Race..
I watched American Idol for the first time this contest, and I was wowed by a couple of the contestants.. Constantine, who is very cute, was AWESOME singing Bohemian Rhapsody... I mean, it's not the easiest song to do.. Vonzell did an awesome job as well.. if she made a mistake, I didn't hear it... Carrie did a Pat Benotar song.. and sounded just like her.. very good.. and Anwar reminds me of Stevie Wonder.. I don't know why, he just does... Scott did ok with his Hall and Oates song, but he needs to show more enthusiasm with the lower parts of the song... everybody else was rather forgettable.. although, I was laughing through Anthony's performance, because whenever I hear that song, all I hear is.. every time you go away, you take a piece if meat with you... I know that's not what he's saying, but that's what I hear.. *L*
Of course, Nadia was voted off... although she is a good singer, the song she chose was one I've never heard before.. and I couldn't get into it.. oh well... not like I was even eligible to vote... that comes when Canadian Idol starts...
Anyway.. enough rambling from me.... till next time........

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Late night rant... I think.....

I haven't done it in a while, but I feel the need to rant... funny thing is.. I don't have anything to rant about... weird, huh?? with all the crap that's been going on lately, I have NOTHING to rant about...
I haven't been sleeping well.. because I'm missing a rather large red and white cat that usually takes up all the feet room on the bed... it just feels weird being there without him sitting on my feet.... and it's strange for him not to be keeping me warm when I'm sitting on the couch watching tv, or playing games on the computer... I guess it all gets better with time....
You know, with all the cats I've had over the years, this is the first one that just up and died on me.. they usually just disappear... it kinda feels weird.. especially since I know that he's in a box in my basement.... we haven't buried him yet.. the ground is still too frozen in our backyard to dig a hole deep enough...
The kitten is starting to realize that Red is not coming back either, I think.. he wanders around the house, lets out the occaisonal whine.. you know he's looking for the big guy.. we just hope that he don't find him in the basement... he went out last night in the rain looking for the big guy... I don't think he would have gone out otherwise, because it was raining pretty hard...
You know.. when I think about it.. for Screech, this would kinda like him losing a step dad... Red was always a part of Screech's life... he was there the day Screech was born... wasn't too pleased about having all these new kittens invading his space... hissed at them every chance he got... and when I tried to get Red introduced to Screech after we decided we were keeping him, Red growled at him... I guess they grew on each other, though.. they played together.. and Screech was always kicking Red's ass.. but I think Red was letting him win.. I mean, geez.. Red was twice Screech's size.. all he'd have to do is sit on him.. *L*
Well.. I guess this was more of a ramble than a rant... but what do you expect at 2am???

Sunday, April 03, 2005

New Music

Due to popular demand.... I'm removing the Kylie Menogue song.. *G* I picked this Song, George Canyon's My Name, because I happen to love this guy... He comes from the town of Hopewell, in Pictou County, NS, which is just outside of Stellerton, NS.. I lived in New Glasgow, NS for the first 11 years of my life, with the exception of the first year, in which I lived near Halifax, and went to school in a small town very close to Hopewell, called Riverton... If I was about 8 years older, I probably would have been in this fellow's class.... Last year, he came in second in the Nashville Star competition, and has seemed to do very well for himself since then... I love the song, I love George's music... I hope you do too...
Check out Georges' website here.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

RIP RedDevil

I'm sorry to announce that my beloved kitty cat, Red, past away Friday morning, around 11:30am. He had been sick for a couple of days, and hadn't moved from the spot where he had been laying for about 12 hours, so Mom decided to take him to the vet. He died in the car on the way. The vet said that what happened to him was he had crystals in his urinary tract, which were blocking things, making it impossible for him to urinate. The toxins created by this caused his heart to stop. We estimate his age to be around 7-10 years old. He will be buried in our backyard sometime Saturday afternoon, in a spot where the sun always shines, and he can hear the birds singing.