Working for a living.... geez...
Moving day is slowly approaching.. I've got a month to find a place and get moved into it.. I'm thinking about trading apartments with my neighbor across the hall.. she has a 1 bedroom apartment, and pays about 50 bucks less a month for it.. sounds good to me.. she has a 4yr old son.. and she's thinking that it's high time he had his own room.. my 2 bedroom apartment would be perfect... I'm having some second thoughts on this one, though.. since my friend lives upstairs in the same building... maybe it would be better for me to move to another building... found a 1 bedroom in the paper today.. ground floor.. $420 a month... that's $105 less a month... well worth it... is non smoking, though... bro wouldn't like it too much.. little bugger should quit anyway, right??
I'm at work right now.. have got 3 and a half more hours to go.. and starting to feel crappy.. think the frozen meatloaf dinner I brought for my lunch is not agreeing with me... it happens sometimes I guess... oh well.. bring on the 10:00 go home call!!!
Anyway, that's how the world looked to me today.. how's your world??