Riki's Little Spot on the Web

My Pets

August 26, 2003-

?-April 1, 2005


**My Trivia Page**

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hurricane Katrina.. one year later.. huh?

Hi all..

As most know, yesterday was the first anniversary of the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf States... I've been watching the specials in the last few days, showing the then and now situations.. and I don't see a whole lot of difference,, except that all the water has receded.. there has been some rebuilding in New Orleans, but there have also been whole sections of the city that haven't been touched... there still isn't a proper hospital, and they are still waiting for aid from FEMA.. New Orleans might be the biggest example, but they're certainly not the only ones.. there are cities all over the Gulf State area that are still trying to reinstate basic services for their citizens.. in the most powerful country in the world, this seems utterly ridiculous to me.. Maybe there is a lot that I don't know... and being Canadian, we don't see hurricanes very often with the intensity of Katrina.. but I do remember the last big one we had here, Hurricane Juan in September 2003.. We weren't hit near as bad and Lousiana and Mississippi, but it did take months to rebuild.. as opposed to the years it appears it's going to take to rebuild in those states.. but any aid we needed came pretty quickly from Govt.. and we weren't shooting at each other while we got things back together.. we helped each other.. Anyway, I'm getting off the point that I was trying to make.... why are these people still trying to get the funds to rebuild? they should have it by now, and be well on the way to rebuilding their cities, and their lives... the more that I see on tv, the more I want to do something to help those who are still waiting... those who still don't have adequate housing.. those who don't have proper hospitals.. those who still don't have funning water.. What can I, as one small Canadian woman, do to help these people? Does anyone have any suggestions??

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

the Quest Continues..

Hi all.. I don't know if any of you have been following my Quest to Meet Stephen Colbert, but it's been on for a week now, and I've gotten no progress.. I sent and email to Comedy Central, just asking how I would go about sending some fan mail.. I got nothing back.. not even an automated reply saying that my message had been received.. nothing.. I'm not impressed.. byt I will press on... as I have laid aside my original life's ambition, to play Plinko on The Price Is Right, and have set my sites on going to a taping of the Colbert Report... I have a feeling, though, that same as my ambition to play Plinko never materialized, that netiher will this... anyone know what else I could do to get Stephen Colbert's attention, besides spamming the heck out of the official fan board, which I don't really want to do, btw.... I'm at a loss...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My newest blog

Hey all.. I wanted to let you all know that I started a new blog... it was created to chronicle my quest to see Stephen Colbert live, and hopefully meet him... I don't see it happening, but a girl can dream right?? Anyway, if you want to see what I'm up to, pop on over to www.RoadtoColbert.blogspot.com.

Wish me luck!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

My New Love

Hey all.. I know it's been a while since I've posted.. but there is a reason for that... I've had to move again.. away from my perfect place.. well.. I guess it wasn't so perfect.. it was also kind of expensive.. more than I thought it would be... plus, it had ants... so I've moved back to my Mom's house in Stratford.. I suppose it wont't kill me.. and I might be able to save up enough money now for a downpayment on a house.. but not right away.. maybe in a year or so...
I've also discovered in the last month or so, and new love.. no, I haven't found myself a new friend, it's actually a tv show, called the Colbert Report.. it's a spinoff to the Daily Show, and I actually watch both.. but there is also a type of companion to the Colbert Report, is a site called ColbertNation.com.. It has many things on it, stuff about the show and it's host, Stephen Colbert, and a message board.. I've found myeelf at that message board a lot lately.. more than I probably should be... but it has brought new light to my life.. and gives me a reason to get up in the morning.. especially since the show reruns at 10am on the Comedy Network...
On his show, Stephen has what is known as the On Notice board.. the people or things on this board have a set amount of time to come on the show and redeem themselves.. if they don't, then they become dead to him, and they no longer exist.. I have done up my own On Notice list, on a On Notice list generator, and I wish to show it to you..

Please, don't ask why I put some of them on there, because some of them, I just don't remember why.. I just did it... I've also decided not to have a Dead to Me list.. because the people on my On Notice board don't have a way of redeeming themselves..