When The Cat's Away.. Pt 2
So, the kitty has been here for 4 days, and he's going home today... for the first 2 days that he was here, he stayed under my couch.. he wouldn't poke his head out from under there for any reason... last night, he got more curious and he came out from under the couch to explore... I took a nap yesterday and woke up to 2 little eyes looking at me.. last night, bro and I were watching a movie.. bro looked up, and the kitty was sitting on top of our kitchen cupboards.. we have no idea how he got up there... bro got a picture... gonna post it sometime.. *L* Anyway, it's going to be hard giving him back to Mom.. it's been nice having him here... I miss having a cat... I miss havinga big lump in the bed every morning when I wake up... of course, that wasn't Screech.. that was Red... if Red was still alive, I wouldn't be living here... I don't think I could have moved out of Mom's house and left him behind... anyway, like I was saying.. my temporary cat ownership is over today.. and I do miss the little guy.. but it will be nice to be able to open the window in my bedroom again... it gets so hot in here... but there isn't a screen on the window, so I wouldn't open it in case Screech tried to make a run for it...
Simpsons Trivia
Again, only one right answer... Caligirl got it.. the answer was: A college reunion..
Cali, you were more specific than my trivia cards.. *L*
Today's Simpons Trivia Question:
In "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish," what is number 9 on Homer's list to do before he dies?
Simpsons Quote
Who said it??
"If this is anyone but Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit."
Simpsons Trivia
Again, only one right answer... Caligirl got it.. the answer was: A college reunion..
Cali, you were more specific than my trivia cards.. *L*
Today's Simpons Trivia Question:
In "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish," what is number 9 on Homer's list to do before he dies?
Simpsons Quote
Who said it??
"If this is anyone but Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit."