Riki's Little Spot on the Web

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August 26, 2003-

?-April 1, 2005


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Friday, June 15, 2007


It's about friggin time... Today, we got the verdict in Chrystal's murder trial.. John David Raynor was found guilty.. he got life without parole.. 25 years... won't bring her back, of course.. but at least justice was done for Chrystal..

you can read the CBC article here

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hell froze over, I'm sure of it

My lil bro just came in here, handed me 40 bucks and a large coffee.. I wonder what he wants.. *L* usually, he wants money.. so not sure what the deal is... he's buttering me up for something... I wonder what it is..
I got some stuff in the mail today.. made me happy... I got Zanypoo's book, which I told her I was going to buy and read.. and I mean it.. I bought it, I have it, and I'm going to read it... she's been a great encouragement to me, so it's the least I can do.. Oh, and Zanypoo, if you read this, I'm working on another fanfic, a horror tale.. just like you wanted.. *LOL*
I got the Decemberists cd finally too.. I tried finding it in town.. but everywhere I went, they were sold out.. go figure... I didn't think they'd be that popular around here... I ordered it when I ordered Zane's book..
So.. much happier post than I've had lately.. so you all can stop worrying about me.. *G*

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Things People Do For Rest

Welcome to Riki's Weekend Rant.. *L* I've been doing this for the last few weeks.. I'm actually in a better mood today than I usually am.. especially at 9am on a sunday...
Well.. my problems haven't changed.. I'm stil working a crappy job that I don't particularly care for.. but, thanks to these nice little blue pills that the doctor in Halifax gave me.. at least I'm sleeping.. I still would love to have an actualy rest, though... maybe have some time to really concentrate on my writing.. my passion, which has unfortunatley turned into something I do when I have the time... *sigh*
I heard.. on the radio somewhere, I think.. about a police officer who was so fed up with the long hours he'd been working, that he stabbed himself to get the time off.. unfortunatley, for him.. he told his fellow officers that he'd been attacked.. and now he's going to jail... I would have just told them it was a cooking accident.. and let them make fun of me for a while.. at least then, I'd get the rest in the hospital, and wouldn't be arrested for filing a false report..
I've thought about doing something like that.. not as drastic as stabbing myself.. more like.. "forgeting" to take certain pills.. so that my levels get so outta whack that I end up in the hospital.. but.. I haven't actually done it.. I don't think I have the guts to..
Anyway... happy Sunday everyone!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Weekends Suck

funny how it's always the weekends when I feel the crappiest.. guess that's life.. I've discovered that I can get about 4 hours into a shift before I get tired and don't care anymore.. my shifts change next week. actually, starting tomorrow.. so that I only work 6 hours a day through the week, which I'm hoping will help a little bit..
All I really want.. and I seem to have a hard time stressing this to those who can make it happen.. is a little time.. a month maybe.. to relax.. get some rest.. and have some fun for a change... maybe visit some family.. I haven't seen my grandparents in over a year.. my best friend keeps asking when I'm going to go visit him.. I haven't seen him since the last time he came to visit me.. which was probably a year ago now.. just some respite time.. I don't think that's too much to ask.. do you?
I need to figure out what I want to do with my life... I've only got one more year in my twenties.. I should have accomplished SOMETHING by now.. I'm not much better off now than I was at 15.. and that's kind of depressing.. Oh well.. at least I've been somewhere.. and I pray to God that I get to go back in November...