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Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Apprentice Resume

In the last few weeks, I've been a part of an apprentice game online... about 2 challenges ago, I was 'laid off', however, I got such a kick out of the last challenge, I decided to do it anyway, and post it here.. the deadline is Wednesday, so if I can, I'll let you know how I did... or maybe Frankie can grade me... *wink*
The challenge is as follows: Frankie, who is The Donald, has given us 50 questions she might ask in an interview (I don't know if I'd ask them, but hey, this one is Frankie's baby *G*). The contestant who doesn't give as many same answers as Frankie would loses the challenge. Here are the questions and my answers...
1. Do you wake up cranky in the morning?
A. Sometimes, yes

2. Do you drink coffee?
A. yes

3. Are you organized in the morning, or is it rush-rush?
A. me? organized?? Never..

4. Is the morning a good time of day for you, compared to the night?
A. I'm better at night

5. Do you eat a big lunch?
A. I don't eat lunch.. I consider lunch breakfast

6. Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi? (this includes diet)
A. pepsi, but I don't drink either

7. Do you work at a job outside of the home?
A. No

8. Do you like your job?
A. ummm... see number 7

9. Are you job searching, or are you content with what you have?
A. Always looking

10. Do you smoke?
A. nope

11. Do you like showers in the morning or baths?
A. I always take showers, never baths.. and never in the morning

12. Did you ever eat in the shower?
A. no

13. Did you ever brush your teeth in the shower?
A. No

14. Did you ever smoke in the shower?
A. See number 10

15. When exiting the shower, do you dry yourself from the head down or from the feet up?
A. Head down

16. Do you like to have sex in the shower?
A. yes.. and that's all I'm going to say on that subject

17. Do you like to watch Reality TV?
A. Depends on the show

18. What is your favourite method of exercise?
A. shopping.. it gets me out of the house

19. Do you prefer books or magazines?
A. books

20. Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?
A. salty

21. Beer, wine or hard stuff?
A. none of the above

22. Do you prefer carpet, hardwood, laminate or other flooring?
A. carpet.. it's softer on the feet

23. Do you like getting phone calls?
A. Depends on who's calling

24. Do you ever get acne? Yes or no please.
A. yes

25. On vacation, would you prefer a hot sunny beach or an exciting ski hill?
A. Beach

26. Whole wheat or white bread?
A. I prefer whole wheat, but I eat white.. medical reasons

27. Country, rock, pop, R&B, rap or other music? Pick one only please.
A. Country

28. Horror movies, drama or comedy?
A. Drama

29. Blondes, redheads or brunettes (all shades of brown/black) in the opposite sex?
A. blondes..

30. When old enough, will you dye your hair or go naturally grey?
A. Probably go grey.. if I have any hair left at that point

31. Would you consider plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes (on yourself)?
A. nope

32. Who is better looking: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or Mel Gibson?
A. gotta be Mel

33. Who is prettier: Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts or Catherine Zeta Jones?
A. Catherine Zeta Jones.. exotic...

34. Favourite colour?
A. Green

35. What would you prefer to drive: Sports car or SUV?
A. sports car

36. What is your favourite Christmas carol?
A. jingle bells

37. Did you like high school?
A. yes

38. Do you prefer Spider-man, Bat-man or Super-man?
A. Superman

39. Would you rather be: a singer, an actress or a model? (famous ones of course!)
A. Actress.. I can't sing, and I'm not a bean pole

40. Do you prefer roses or lillies?
A. lillies

41. Are you an always-hot person or an always-cold person?
A. cold

42. Are you more comfortable dressed up or dressed casually?
A. I prefer casual

43. Do you like shopping?
A. depends on my mood

44. Do you like garlic?
A. of course

45. For a night out, would you be more likely to go to the movies or to a club with friends?
A. club

46. Look around you. Is there a pen in your sight?
A. no, but there's one in my desk drawer

47. Are your legs crossed right now?
A. no

48. Do you have glasses on right now?
A. yes.. I'm blind without them

49. Which shoe do you put on first?
A. right.. or whichever one I pick up first

50. Do you like to colour?
A. sure


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