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August 26, 2003-

?-April 1, 2005


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Sunday, October 31, 2004

A new apartmernt for some brings new surroundings to others

I spent my whole day today alone.... normal.. but not on a Saturday... My mom and my brother are usually home at least.. but no, just me and the kitties today... Everybody was gone to Nova Scotia.. to get some furniture and stuff that my grandparents were giving us... they showed up with a new chair, a new couch, a china cabinet, and a whole bunch of other stuff.... my grandmother collects stuffed animals.. and she gave me a good bunch of her collection.. they sent over a rocking chair that I had when I was little... it's a miniature.. they gave it to me so that I could rock like Gram.. I think that woman will die in her rocking chair.. *L* There's also a lot of pictures... Gram gave mom her wedding pictures... and there's a small picture.. it's actually a Christmas card... of my mom and 2 of her 3 brothers, and her sister... the third brother wasn't born yet when the picture was taken... and there are some pictures of me and my brother when we were small... It was kinda neat going through some of the stuff.. and remembering where it all came from... I can't wait to see Gram and Papa's new apartment.. it's going to be different.. considering we've got their furniture....


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