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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

New Experiences

I did something today that I've been trying to avoid for years.. I had a pap test done... I know, I know.. you're supposed to have one done every 2 years.. but I'd never had one done before, and I've somehow been able to get 2 kidney transplants without one... Here's how it happened.. I had a doctor's appointment today.. I had a crapload of tests that need to be done before I can be put on the transplant list, one being the pap test.. there's also a bit of bloodwork, ECG, chest xray, and I think an ultrasound... I went in, and got my flu shot (yay) and the doctor started going over all the tests that needed to be done... he stopped at the pap, looked at me and said "We can do this today." I cringed... my mother giggled... she knew what was going to happen... I dropped my drawers and got on the table... and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... not as painful as the many female comedians that I've watched over the years have said... although, the pelvic exam that followed struck me a little funny..... it was the first time that a man had ever stuck his finger up my twat without us going on a date first..... *L* but now that it's all done, I don't think I'll ever dread a pap test again.. and the rest of the tests are fairly simple... although, mom says that the next one I'll be going for will probably be a mammogram.... (insert Psycho music here) Can I have my blankie now please?????


  • At 1:48 AM, Blogger Riki said…

    Lanc.. it's the first I've written about woman stuff.... *L* read on.. you'll learn a lot about me and my life....

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger CaliGirl said…

    ROFLOL....oh my riki..too funny. i have been getting those damn things since i was 16yr old. i have noticed that a lot of women here on the island either have never had one or it has been years (many) since their last one. in california doctors recommend this test every year. so once every 2 yrs isnt so bad IMO. it is one of the easiest test you can have done. yes i know you have to have someone put their fingers up you...but no needles...its a little uncomfortable for some as well as embarrassing for others. but really all not that bad. i have to say that i would rather go have me a pap test then go to the dentist if givin a choice.


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