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August 26, 2003-

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

To All My Therapists

Life is full of crap. Everyone knows this. I, however, have a secret weapon against the feces that life will throw at you.
When the world begins to spin too fast, and I'm feeling dizzy from the speed, I sit at my computer. I find little text boxes of encouragement flying across the screen. They come from all over the world, this internet support group. I really don't know where I would be today without mine.
What I find is funny, is that a lot of those who have helped me, don't even realize they have. Sometimes receiving a simple hello is all a person needs to have their day be ten times better.
So this is my salute to all my therapists. May you continue to be there when I need you, and hopefully I can also be there when you need me.
I love you all


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