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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Cuthroat Island Challenges Nine, Ten, and Eleven

I know I'm late, so I'll just get into things..
Challenge Nine asked the players to write a sentence that has never been written, spoken or thought before... sounds easy, but in reality, it's not.. the rules for the sentence structure were, the sentence must be at least 6 words long.. cannot contain names, dates or numbers.. the words in the sentence must be found at dictionary.com.. and it must follow the general rules of sentence structure... Some of the sentences made sense, others did not... one of them made me laugh as I pictured it.. because of an error on Rob's part, there were 2 winners to Challenge Nine, Steverino and Frdalton... Shelley was cut
Challenge Ten was a war of words, literally.. players were to submit 7 words which would be battled against each other at www.googlebattle.com... the words had to be found on www.dictionary.com to be eligble.. There were 2 rounds to this challenge, round one, and the final round... the 2 players with the most victories would advance to the final round, which was a head to head challenge... Steverino and Paella won round one, so they went head to head in the final round... Steverino was the winner with a score of 3-2 in the final round... Cut from this challenge was Frdalton.
In Challenge Eleven, players were asked to scour the archives at PEIInfo, looking for the longest word.. vowels would not be counted, and the word that they chose could not have been posted themselves.. the word must also be found at www.dictionary.com.. they would also choose a second word as a tiebreaker...Kreskin put a bit of a monkey wrench into thw works by posting several large words that he thought were not on dictionary.com, but one of those words was there, so Rob had to accept it. Winner of this round was Paelle... Cut was Steverino..
Challenge Twelve, the second to last challenge, has been posted... Good luck to the three remaining players..


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