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August 26, 2003-

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Thursday, August 05, 2004

Up all night again...

So, it's 3:43am, and I'm sitting at this fool computer.. my dialysis machine is whirring away behind me.. as it does every night.. vile thing... getting me up every damned 2 and a half hours to drain.. and if I don't sit up, it'll beep at me until I do.. it didn't last night, though... I was up all night the night before.. couldn't sleep, so I played this game on yahoo.. called addictive solitaire, I think... it's named right anyway... and when I got off the dialysis machine in the morning, I couldn't take a nap because me and bro were gonna go to Murray Harbour to see the Stanley Cup.. Yeah, I was excited.. being the hockey fan that I am.. I only watch during the finals.. *L* I couldn't wait to go.. the Cup had been in New Glasgow twice.. and my dumb cousin never told me when, so I missed it twice.. I wasn't missing it this time... So Bro and I got in the car.. the drive to Murray Harbour from Charlottetown isn't a long one, maybe about 45 mins.. we drove through Montague, which is cool.. I like Montague.. we followed all the signs they put up.. Brad Richards and Stanley Cup this way kinda deal.. felt like we were going through a maze.. We finally got to the place where they were parking the cars.. no problem.. car parked.. we got on a school bus.. cool.. haven't been on a school bus since I graduated high school.. about 7 years ago.. we got off the bus a mile or so down the road... across the street from what they were calling a community centre.. and a ball field.. people everywhere.. couple of golf carts hauling people around.. the biggest thing you saw were the tents and the cbc truck with the satellite dish on the roof.. we walked across the ball field in the searing heat.. they say it hit 30 degrees that afternoon.. we got to the line to wait to see the Cup... and I almost fell down.. I was nearing dehydration.. and I knew how it feels because I've had it happen before... and you're stuck in the hospital the whole damn day when it happens... I think the volunteer at the end of the line recognized the symptoms.. he told Bro that if we had proof of a disability, we could get to the front of the line.. no waiting.. cool... Bro walked back to the car and got my disabled parking permit.. we just happen to have 2 of 'em cuz we lost one... thought it was stolen a few months ago.. but we found it.. after we bought a new one.. so he put one in the window of the car.. put the other in his pocket... they allowed him to drive back and park in a disabled parking area.. about 200 feet away from where we got off the bus... sweet... he came back and collected me.. and we walked back across the field to the end of the line again... showed the volunteer the parking permit.. boom.. we're at the front of the friggin line... people had been waiting for hours in the hot sun in that line... we walked across the field twice.. and Bro walked back up to the car... so I think it might have been a half hour, 45 mins for us to get our pictures taken with the cup... and what I think is even more cool.. just after we went through, they started only taking one picture per group... we got 2.. Anyway, we started walking back across the field, going back to the car... we got as far as the other side of the fence and I started getting weak again... we sat down on the ground in the shade next to this black guy, and we started talking to him about the camera he had on his lap.. it looked like a 35 milimetre, but it was digital... I'm a nut for gadgets, but I was too weak to talk at first, and Bro is much more social than I am.. so he started talking to him... we sat there a half hour or so, talking to this guy and Bro was snapping pics of good looking girls walking by... after sitting for about a half hour, I got up, but was still dizzy, so Bro flagged down a golf cart and this dude driving the golf cart drove us over to the car... On the way home, we stopped to pick up 3 women who were walking home from the ball field... they were hitching... but then, it was way too hot for anyone to be walking anyway.. we drove them to their road, which wasn't that far up anyway.. they told us that they thought Bruce Rainnie was cute.. We stopped at Gillis' in Montague to have a bite to eat, then we went home... That night, we watched all the Brad Richards stuff on the news.... and we found out that the black guy we were sitting with was a reporter from Tampa Bay who was following the Cup to every little town it went to through the summer.. reporting back to the people of Tampa Bay what the players were doing with it... Cool, don't you think?? Anyway.. that's the end of my Stanley Cup story...


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